Our Clients Say

They Say It Best:

Gulf Reporting provides outstanding reporting services, including realtime reporting, at competitive prices.  The reporters always arrive on time, the transcripts are delivered shortly after the deposition is completed, and the quality is excellent.

- Randall E. Treadaway, Esq.    
Zaunbrecher Treadaway, LLC


Gulf Reporting has been my “go to” court reporting firm for over 25 years.  Their reporters are punctual and their transcripts are turned around quickly and are always accurate.  Addressing special needs in a large case is not a problem.  When I take a deposition, I have many details on my mind; with Gulf Reporting, their expertise relieves one of them.

- Howard L. Murphy, Counselor at Law     
Deutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles, LLP


I have had the pleasure of working with Cindy Rogers La Cour for over 20 years.  Not only does Cindy’s skill as a court reporter ensure that we receive accurate and reliable deposition transcripts, but her selection of other court reporters who work for Gulf Reporting gives us peace of mind that we will always have a highly-skilled and dependable court reporter at our depositions.  In the uncertain world of litigation, using Gulf Reporting gives us one less thing to worry about.

- David Schexnaydre
Schexnaydre Law Firm, LLC